Progress: currently on page 274
One comment before we get to the words: this book is full of names I would give a band if I had one: Madame Psychosis, Year of Glad, The Great Concavity...okay, I can't think of any more right now, but I'll start keeping track.
Well, page 223 didn't change much for me, though it is handy to refer to in times of confusion during the novel. No cheating; don't flip there if you haven't read 1-222 (plus copious footnotes)!
That said. My list of words penciled in the back cover has been mounting, so for your edification and for mine - here they are. I'm noticing a lot of words related to shapes and curves (expected from a mathematician) and specific anatomical words. As always, definitions come from the OED's electronic version, unless otherwise noted. And I just want to copy this quote I just happened to flip to:
"There are, by the
O.E.D. VI's count, nineteen nonarchaic synonyms for
unresponsive, of which nine are Latinate and four Saxonic." (p. 17) Hal Incandenza and David Foster Wallace: OED men.
1. guilloche (
n.) An ornament in the form of two or more bands or strings twisting over each other, so as to repeat the same figure, in a continued series, by the spiral returning of the bands. See an example on flickr
2. aperçu (
p. ppl.) A summary exposition, a conspectus. Also, a revealing glimpse; an insight.
3. murated (
adj.) Surrounded by walls.
4. erumpent (
adj.) That bursts forth.
ex cathedra (adv.) ‘from the chair’,
i.e. in the manner of one speaking from the seat of office or professorial chair, with authority; also used attrib. = officially uttered.
6. rutilant (
adj.) Glowing, shining, gleaming, glittering, with either a ruddy or golden light. [
Fittingly, one of the quotations for this word in the OED entry is from Ulysses
- another brick-weight novel.]
7. nacelle (
There are several definitions, most obsolete, but I believe the one DFW means is one of these (I've encountered the word twice in the book): 2. a. The basket or gondola of a balloon or airship.
b. gen. Any hollow vessel or object resembling a boat in shape.
8. superjacent (
adj.) Lying above or upon something else; overlying, superincumbent. (Now chiefly in technical use.)
9. formication (
n.) -
that's with an M - An abnormal sensation as of ants creeping over the skin. [
This is my new favorite word.]10. meatus (
n.) - A tubular passage or opening leading to the interior of the body; the external orifice of such a passage.
11. sephenoid
- According to the
Infinite Jest wiki, a misspelling for sphenoid (
adj.) - a bone of irregular form situated at the base of the skull, where it is wedged in between the other bones of the cranium.
12. torticollic (
adj.) - DFW seems to have made up the adjectival form of torticollis (
n.) - A rheumatic or other affection of the muscles of the neck, in which it is so twisted as to keep the head turned to one side; wry-neck.
13. treillage (
n.) - Lattice-work; a framework upon which vines or ornamental plants are trained; a trellis.
14. rostral (
adj.) - Pertaining to a platform, stage, stand, etc., adapted for public speaking.
15. pia mater (
n.) -
1. The innermost of the three meninges, consisting of a thin, vascular, fibrous membrane which is closely applied to the surface of the brain and spinal cord.
2. In extended use (chiefly
humorous): the brain.
16. sulcus (
n.) -
1. a. A groove made with an engraving tool.
b. A trench
17. otiose (
adj.) -
1. a. Of belief, principle, thought, etc.: having no practical result; unfruitful, sterile; futile, pointless.
b. Having no practical function; redundant; superfluous.
2. At leisure; at rest; idle; inactive; indolent, lazy. [
Depressingly, I found this word scribbled in an old notebook from when I was reading Consider the Lobster
. I'm hoping that means I never looked it up, and not that I'm incapable of remembering a word I learned two years ago.]
18. glabrous
(adj.) Free from hair, down, or the like; having a smooth skin or surface.
19. scopophiliacal (
adj.) Pertaining to sexual stimulation or satisfaction derived principally from looking; voyeurism.
20. apotropaic (
adj.) Having or reputed to have the power of averting evil influence or ill luck.
21. micturation (
n.) Urination.
22. egregulous (
According to the Infinite Jest wiki, "not a real word (possibly egregious + ridiculous."